Standard Chartered Hong Kong SME Banking Seminar 渣打香港中小企業研討會
Standard Chartered Hong Kong SME Banking Seminar
The ‘China Plus One strategy’ has been a prevailing business approach for companies of all sizes in recent years, helping them to strive amid a challenging business environment. However, given the evolving geopolitical uncertainties, how should businesses in this part of the world enhance their competitive edge and seize growth opportunities? We will be inviting industry experts to this seminar to discuss challenges from the 'China Plus One' strategy and digital transformation. Experts will also share the latest market trends, cross-border development opportunities, as well as strategies and insights to overcome challenges in business expansion, advancing your businesses to new heights.
The event will be held in Cantonese.
「中國加一」策略近年來已成為各類企業的主流經營模式,助力企業在充滿挑戰的商業環境中蓬勃發展。然而, 在面臨地緣政治不確定性等挑戰下,企業應如何佈局及提升競爭優勢去抓住增長機會? 我們將在這次研討會邀請到行業專家,一同探討「中國加一」策略和數碼轉型中面臨的挑戰,並分享最新市場趨 勢、跨境發展機遇、克服業務拓展中的挑戰之策略及見解,讓您的業務更上一層樓。
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我們每年都會召集來自 60 多個國家的重要參與者,包括重要政府官員、商界領袖和有影響力的意見領袖,就當今影響我們的最緊迫的政治、外交、可持續發展、商業和經濟問題進行全面討論。
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